


BBQ Tonight! Worship at 10! The eNews & Bulletin for Nov 29, 2015

BBQ Tonight! Worship at 10!

The eNews & Bulletin for November 29, 2015


Chili Cook Off! Women’s Breakfast! The eNews & Bulletin for Nov 22, 2015

Chili Cook Off! Women’s Breakfast! The eNews & Bulletin for November 22, 2015 –

Saturday – Women’s breakfast at Stacks in Campbell
Men’s Chili Cook Off at 6pm
Buy your Christmas Banquet Tickets


Adjust Your Attitude! Men’s Breakfast! The eNews & Bulletin for November 15, 2015

Adjust Your Attitude! Men’s Breakfast! The eNews & Bulletin for November 15, 2015 –

Men’s Breakfast Saturday

Buy your Christmas Banquet Tickets

This Sunday: Let Hope In part 2: Adjust Your Attitude

Men’s Chili Cook Off on November 21

5th Sunday Fellowship on November 29 at 4pm


Put Your Faith in Action! The eNews & Bulletin for November 8, 2015

Put Your Faith in Action!

The eNews & Bulletin for November 8, 2015: 


Change Your Clocks! Hallelujah Night! Prayer@9:15! Worship@10! Awana! The eNews & Bulletin for November 1, 2015


Click here for the eNews & Bulletin for November 1,2015 –

Join us this Sunday at 10am for worship.


eNews & Bulletin for Oct 25, 2015

Bring a Friend! Prayer @ 9:15! Worship @ 10! Awana! The eNews & Bulletin for Oct 25,2015 –


Is God Speaking to Me?

How Can I Tell When God’s Talking to Me?
By Billy Graham

Q: Sometimes something good will happen to me, or I’ll have a vivid dream about something, and later I’ll wonder if maybe God was trying to speak to me. But how can I be sure? Maybe it’s just my imagination. — K.M. 

A: We must be cautious about saying that things like this always come from God, or that He is directly speaking to us through them. The reason is because it’s easy for us to misinterpret them or draw the wrong conclusions from them — unless they are clearly in line with what God has told us in His Word, the Bible. 

However, God sometimes does use good things to demonstrate His love for us, or bad things to warn us of danger. He also may use events in our lives to remind us of our need for Him, or call us to repent. God sometimes does this to humans “so that they would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him” (Acts 17:27). 

Recently, for example, I received a letter from a man who had grown up in a Christian home. But he had rebelled against God and lived a wild, immoral life, and now he was in prison. He said it was the best thing that had ever happened to him, because it made him face his sin and admit his need for Christ. Now he’s living for Christ instead of the devil — but it took a series of bad circumstances to bring him to that point. 

Don’t wander through life wondering if God cares for you or has a purpose for your life. Instead, turn to Christ and commit your life to Him. Then you’ll know that no matter what happens to you — either good or bad — you belong to Him forever.