How do you describe your church?


How do you describe your church?

Big? Friendly? Just right?

There are many ways to describe your church but the most important word (and maybe the least thought about) is “biblical.” Is our church actually the kind of church that God wants us to be? Do we have HIS stamp of approval? I truly believe that if we set our hearts on being the kind of church that God wants us to be then He will draw people to us. Not just a crowd but fellow seekers, fellow followers, fellow servants who desire to leave it ALL on the altar.

So what should we seek to be as a church? We call them the Bayside Essentials. They’re not just what we should be as a church, they are what YOU should be as a follower of Christ.

The Bayside Essentials

1. Worship Christ

  • weekly worship – Exodus 20:8

2. Walk with Christ

  • spending time daily in the word and in prayer – Psalm 119:165
  • weekly classes/small groups – Colossians 2:7
  • be baptized – Matthew 28:19-20

3. Work for Christ

  • serve others – Romans 12:11

 4. Witness for Christ

  • invite, encourage, share – Philemon 6

 5. Waiting for Christ

  • watching for his return – Matthew 25:13

Take time to read each of these verses (hover your mouse over them and they should pop up)

Get involved in a bible study, small group, accountability relationship

Make the commitment to put first things first. Jesus first in my priorities, my heart, my schedule, my desires.