
Pulpit Curriculum for Life Groups – Week of October 28, 2018

Life Groups have 4 components and are designed to be 2 hours in length

  1. Opening – 10 minutes (hang out, share a testimony, worship, ice breaker)
  2. Application study – 45 minutes – Sermon based application and reflection. Reading the passage and discussing how to implement it in life. 5 or 6 questions from the message. How it gripped me, what I’m struggling with, here’s how I’m trying to apply this truth to my life. Application is intentional acts of obedience. Old Quaker saying: “What is the manner of your life in regard to these things?” Sermon review, Assess, Apply.
  3. Ministry time – Accountability, Sharing and Prayer: Men with men, women with women. Transparency (2 or 3 minutes each about what we are going to do with what we’ve discussed). What were you convicted about? How will you apply it, deal with it? What is shared at this time is only for the men or only for the women in your group.
  4. Fellowship – Getting to know one another, food or snack. A connection time! Have fun!
  • As you go through the discussion, remember that the goal is application. Share with the group how the truths and scriptures from the message apply to your life and what you are going to do about it. How did it grip you? What are you struggling with? Our goal is to be doers of the word and not just hearers only – James 1:22
  • There is no need to reteach the sermon or to read every scripture but feel free to refer to your sermon notes from the worship service.

Leaders: please email your attendance and meeting details (place and time) to findjesus@baysidesanjose.com

Application Study:

  • Review – Assess – Apply
  • Read the passages and discuss how to implement it in life.
  • Try to discuss 5 or 6 questions from the message. How it gripped you, what you’re struggling with, how are you trying to apply this truth to your life.
  • Application is intentional acts of obedience.
  • Discuss the old Quaker saying: “What is the manner of your life in regard to these things?”
  • When have you? How will you? What does it take to?
  • What other application points were given during the message?

Sermon Notes:Getting the First Thing Right: Understanding True Faith

Kurt Gebhards/ Romans 1:17/ October 28, 2018

1) Three Aspects of True Faith

  • A) Intelligence (John 1:12; 2 Timothy 1:12; 1 Corinthians 15:3-6)

What did you think of James 2:19 and how it relates to faith?

How often do you spend time reading about the character or person of God?

  • B) Reliance (2 Corinthians 1:9; Philippians 3:3; Proverbs 3:5-6)

What is the opposite of reliance? Which one do you tend to struggle with?

  • C) Allegiance (Romans 1:5; Psalm 37:5; James 2:17)

Is there an area in your life where your allegiance is challenged?

2) The Difference between Gift Faith and Growth Faith

Gift faith                                                        Growth faith

The faith that saves                                     The faith that sanctifies

Eternal Life by Faith                                    Living by faith

At the point of salvation                             Throughout the Christian life

Begets growth faith                                     Follows gift faith

One size fits all                                           Differing amounts of faith

We receive it as a gift                                 We cultivate through faithfulness

Completely separate from works                Includes works of obedience

Does the same work for all                         Does different work for each

One time event                                           Perpetual development

You contribute nothing                              You get out what you put in

How does saving (gift) faith affect what you do?

As you go over each sermon point and each scripture, discuss: How it gripped you, what you’re struggling with, how are you trying to apply this truth to your life?